Executive Coaching: The What | The Who | The How

Executive Coaching: The What | The Who | The How

High achievers are typically ambitious individuals who strive for excellence in their careers. Yet, this relentless drive can sometimes push them towards burnout. Are you fully realising your leadership potential, or is the weight of responsibility overwhelming? Are you overwhelmed by a multitude of responsibilities, neglecting your own needs? By mastering the art of delegation, you could elevate your team's performance while dedicating yourself to more exciting and meaningful work.

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What is Emotional Intelligence in Leadership?

What is Emotional Intelligence in Leadership?

Great leadership is rooted in the skillful use of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence s about working with people, interacting with them, motivating them and managing conflict (including with the self). These are some of the elements of people management, regardless of formal leadership titles (supervisor, manager, director etc.) or informal leadership titles (coordinator, administrator, QA etc.).

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